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SERVE DAY is an outreach event that closes each of our Lifegroup Semesters. This is the time where we challenge our church family to go out into our communities and show the love of Christ in a real and tangible way. Here's how you can get involved:


service projects
  • House to House - We'll travel to the Washington Park neighborhood and partner with the non-profit organization House to House to complete revitalizing a house for a deserving family in the area.

  • Vaughn Road Elementary - Our Montgomery campus's neighboring elementary school is in need of basic repairs, landscaping and maybe even a little painting.  We're still working on the details, but we'll let you know next week!

  • Success Unlimited - A small alternative school that now occupies the former Evolve Church building needs similar work as Vaughn Rd.

Time: 8:30 AM -12:00pm

Location: Montgomery Campus Activities Center 


Choose Your own service project

Many of our Lifegroups work together to do their own service project in the community. We challenge everyone in our church to help find a need and serve in some way. 

If you or your lifegroup have a service idea, you can email Pastor Bill at

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